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Notice of Public Hearing 2024-25  Notice of Public Hearing 2024-25 Budget - Gillespie County, Texas In accordance with Section 111.0075 of the Texas Local Government Code, the Commissioners Court of Gillespie County, Texas will hold Public Hearings on the proposed Fiscal Year 2024-25 budget for Gillespie County. The Public Hearings will be held on: 1.	 Monday, September 9, 2024, at 9:00 AM in the Gillespie County Courthouse, County Courtroom, 101 West Main Street, Fredericksburg, Texas. 2.	 Monday, September 16, 2024, at 5:30 PM in the Gillespie County Courthouse, District Courtroom, 101 West Main Street, Fredericksburg, Texas. This budget will raise more total property taxes than last year’s budget by $727,238 or 3.03%, and of that amount $1,086,318 is tax revenue to be raised from new property added to the tax roll this year. This proposed budget is funded by anticipated property tax revenues that would result from the proposed adoption of the No-New-Revenue tax rate. Any person may attend and may participate in the hearing regarding the proposed budget. Please contact the County Judge’s office prior to the hearing at 830-997-7502 to make any reasonable accommodation requests. A copy of the proposed budget is available for inspection in the County Clerk’s Office and on the Gillespie County website at 99429.15
Notice of Public Hearing Gillespie  Notice of Public Hearing Gillespie County, Texas Notice of Public Hearing Gillespie County, Texas ce with Section 118.025 of the Texas Local Governmen accordance with Section 118.025 of the Texas Local Government Code, the nersIn Court of Gillespie County, Texas will hold a Publ Commissioners Court of Gillespie County, Texas will hold a Public Hearing the County Clerks proposed FiscalYear Year 2024-25 annual written planwritte for nty on Clerks proposed Fiscal 2024-25 annual funding the preservation and restoration of the records archive for the preservation andoffice. restoration of the records archiv Gillespie County Clerks ounty Clerks office. The Public Hearing will be held on Monday, September 23, 2024, at 9:00 AM in the Gillespie County Courthouse, County Courtroom, 101 West Main Street, Fredericksburg, Texas. Hearing will be held on Monday, September 23, 2024, a AnyCounty person mayCourthouse, attend and may participate in the hearing regarding101 the W spie County Courtroom, proposed plan. Please contact the County Judge’s office prior to the hearing at ericksburg, Texas. 830-997-7502 to make any reasonable accommodation requests. A copy of the proposed plan is available for inspection in the County Clerk’s may may participate in the hearing reg Officeattend and on theand Gillespie County website at an. Please contact the County Judge’s office prior to the 99487.15
Public Notice Gillespie County, Texas  Public Notice Gillespie County, Texas In accordance with Section 152.013 of the Texas Local Government Code, public notice is hereby given of all proposed increases in salary, expenses, and/or allowances for the following Gillespie County elected officials for Fiscal Year 2024-25. The Commissioners Court of Gillespie County, Texas will hold Public Hearings on the proposed Fiscal Year 2024-25 budget for Gillespie County, Texas, which includes the proposed increases set out in the schedule below. The Public Hearings will be held on Monday, September 9, 2024, at 9:00 AM in the Gillespie County Courthouse, County Courtroom, 101 West Main Street, Fredericksburg, Texas, and on Monday, September 16, 2024, at 5:30 PM in the Gillespie County Courthouse, District Courtroom, 101 West Main Street, Fredericksburg, Texas. ELECTED OFFICIAL PROPOSED AMOUNT County Judge County Commissioner, All Precincts County Sheriff County Attorney District Clerk County Clerk County Treasurer Tax Assessor-Collector Justice of the Peace, All Precincts Constable, All Precincts $107,342.10 (salary) $73,633.95 (salary) $129,150.00 (salary)** $93,409.28 (salary) $86,651.45 (salary) $86,651.45 (salary) $86,651.45 (salary) $86,651.45 (salary) $71,005.85 (salary) $67,162.10 (salary) INCREASE FROM PREVIOUS YEAR $2,618.10 $1,795.95 $3,150.00 $2,278.28 $2,113.45 $2,113.45 $2,113.45 $2,113.45 $1,731.85 $1,638.10 **Gillespie County receives financial assistance through the SB22 grant program to partially fund salaries of specific personnel in the Sheriffs Office, including the County Sheriff 99486.15


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